Sunday, April 13, 2008


this weekend i was plannnning on going to the city, but my mom says that im only allowed to go for 2 weekends a month .. depressing i know. so mikel came and visited me on saturday. there wasnt a whole lot to do because it was raining, but he just got a new laptop, so he brought it with him so we could play with it. theres this cool program on it where it does weird thing with the pictures and adds stuff to your face or whatever. so we took some with the built in webcam/camera that his comp. has. heres some:

pretty cool , i know. other than that , i havent really done anything this weekend. i found out that my asian friend went to church again this weekend, and he even brought a friend!! yaya. so thats pretty cool too! leave me some comments :) peaceee


Anonymous said...

HI Beth,

I love the pictures that you did on the computer. The one with the sun glasses is too cool!!


Briggins said...

Yay, more posts!
Cool story about the Japanese guy.