Saturday, January 31, 2009

one week down .. 11 to go in vegas!!!

its the weekend!! on the weekends we dont really have any scheduled classes, or duties. today we're going to red rock to do some hiking/climbing which should be tons of fun! im excited. im wearing shorts today too! and tomorrow we're having a super bowl party at andrews place. apparently theres tons of big screen tv's and a hot tub! im excited, and i dont even like football! haha.
i didnt do a 'full detail' update on what we've been doing and stuff. every day in the morning we have work duties for like 30/60 minutes. my work duty for the month is mopping the kitchen floor. the good thing is that i have to do it at night, so i get to sleep in every morning !!! i was mad at first when i heard out of all the work duties, i got mopping! but now im glad that i have the mornings off, and it doesnt take to long to do it at night.
yesterday we went around our neighbourhood and passed out flyers for 'the pier' (which is the building that we're living in). we're providing services to our neighbourhood like needles for kids so that they can go to school, after school programs, food assistance and thing like that. it was really nice out too! we went in groups of four. we met this one guy, 'mike' that said he needed food assistance because he's waiting on a check to come in the mail, but it wasnt going to come until the 3rd. so we prepared a box of some food for him and he came later and picked it up. it was fun giving out the flyers to the people in our neighbourhood. some of us were kinda scared because it is a rough neighbourhood, and almost every person has a scary dog. but i think we're going to be doing tons of fun stuff for this neighbourhood, and getting to know them better!
on monday we're having our first speaker which is exciting! and we're going to be more in a routine.
i cant think of anything else that we did that was suppper exciting, and worth writing about.
im still waiting for them to put our computer in the lounge, so that i can stop bumming off other peoples computers. ill probably be able to post some pictures once we get that computer set up. until then, facebook pictures will have to do !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's good to hear that you're having so much fun, i hope it keeps going like this.

what were the other work duties?

take care!